Most people have at least some vague notion of what they’d do if they were ever elected president. You know, eradicate hunger, eliminate poverty, have big statues of themselves erected all over the place…
I am no exception. I know the very first two things I would do in the semi-unlikely event that I am ever elected president.
First of all, I would publicly pressure General Mills to make their monster cereals with the original oat-based recipe, instead of the disgusting current corn-based recipe.
Second of all, I would publicly pressure Quaker to bring back my beloved childhood favorite cereal Vanilly Crunch.
I’m sure I’d get to all that hunger, poverty, and statue stuff too, eventually. You know – priorities.
Whenever I go to the grocery store (or, occasionally, as in this case, Walmart (shudder!)) my eyes involuntarily and vainly scan the cereal aisle shelves for both of those coveted items.
Did I ever tell you that I’ve actually had numerous dreams that I was in a cereal aisle and saw monster cereals made with oats? And how deliriously ecstatic I was in my dream? And how terribly disappointed I was when I woke up afterwards???
We’re looking into medicines.
But THIS time, I thought I actually might have struck paydirt.
There, staring up at me with his soulful blue eyes, was the ol’ Cap’n himself, holding what I’d wanted to see him holding for decades upon decades – a little white, vanilla-flavored cereal globe.
Could it be? After all these years? They’d finally brought back my beloved Vanilly Crunch?????
Could it????
Well, sure, it could… but was it????
Let’s find out!
My expectations were low (it was called Arctic Crunch, not Vanilly Crunch, and it had both blue and white cereal pieces, although they did say it was vanilla flavored), but my hopes were cautiously high. I brought it home and patiently kept it in the pantry for an entire night before trying it first thing the very next morning!
Lunatic Purist that I am, I even separated out a bowlful of white pieces, just in case the blue pieces tasted different, to try to get something that both visually and flavorly (it’s a word if you want it to be) most closely approximated my old beloved Vanilly Crunch.
A few of the pieces had a bit of a bluish hue to them, but I decided it was close enough for jazz.
I poured the milk and took a big spoonful……
drum roll, pleeeeeeease………………..!
It didn’t taste like Vanilly Crunch. Honestly, it didn’t taste a whole lot like much of anything. The Capn’s Red, White & Blue Crunch actually had a lot more flavor than this cereal did. It was a little sweet, I guess. It mostly just sat there. And got soggy way too early.
Interestingly, the blue pieces do taste a little bit different. They taste like blue dye! I said different, not better. 😉
So…… in the end, my low expectations were unfortunately met, and my moderate hopes once again cruelly (albeit predictably) dashed.
Instead of bringing back my beloved Vanilly Crunch (did I mention that it was beloved?), they created something that looks like it but isn’t.
Le sigh.
Oh, well… experiments were once again done in the name of science, and I have a big ol’ family-sized box of mediocrity sitting in my fridge to show for it! (We refrigerate our cereals to keep them from expiring and so we can have lots of boxes open at the same time.)
Join me next time, though, intrepid cerealers, when I take yet another sugar-laden nostalgia trip even farther down memory lane and revisit a cereal that was a bit before my time and that is making a limited-time comeback on Walmart shelves only….
When we were about 5 & 6, Mike and I ate a whole box of Twinkles one morning. It was the first day after winter when mom finally let us have cold cereal instead of hot cereal. We were so starved for a “real” cereal, we ate it all. I used to have a small LP record that we got out of the box. It talked about Twinkles and his cartoon friends playing hide and seek. Yes, they were a cartoon. The winner was a zebra who hid behind a picket fence.
Ha! It might not surprise you to learn that I asked Mike the other day if he ever had Twinkles when he was a kid. He said he never heard of it! 😀
He just was too young and doesn’t remember. We loved that cereal as kids.
I believe you! I also believe that Mike doesn’t remember it. Whenever I have questions for him I need answers to, I usually ask Terri, if I want to actually get the answer. 😉
I also wish they would bring back Vanilly Crunch. Made with the Original ingredients. I would be willing to pay the extra price for the better ingredients. Some others changed theirs over the decades and made it worse. like Count Chocula for 1 example.
Agreed! Happily. All of the monster cereals are shadows of their former selves, although Count Chocula for me is the only one I still eat. Probably because I like chocolate cereals. But when I was a kid, I ate all of those monster cereals dry, as a snack, right out of the box! They were sooooo good! I’d never touch any of them dry today; they just taste terrible. There’s no comparing the way they tasted with the original oat recipe to the corn recipe they use today. And they’ve actually been using that corn recipe for probably over 30 years now. It doesn’t matter. People buy it because they don’t know any better. If the people who make it actually tried it in comparison to the old recipe, they’d never be able to stomach it. Ahhh, but I’m an old man. 😉