Surfing Monkey 6
Like many of my strips, this one is semi-autobiographical…
As you learned in “Surfing Monkey 2,” there is a real surfing monkey and he’s still very much alive and well. Well, as alive and well as a ceramic monkey can be. But he’s not broken, anyway.
However, when I was a kid, I also had a ceramic Yoda (what kid doesn’t?) that my sister and brother-in-law made for me when they were taking some ceramics classes… he was about a foot tall; a pretty decent sized Yoda…
While I didn’t rub his head for luck, he did live on my dresser, and I did notice one day that he was gone. I was pretty distraught when my mom fessed up to accidentally knocking him off of my dresser and breaking him while cleaning my room, until she told me that he’d been gone for months before I’d even noticed.
It’s really kind of hard to protest too much at that point….
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